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Workouts to Beat the Heat

Posted by Triple Naturals I On Jul 30, 2024
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To work out or not to work out: that’s the dilemma many of us face when temperatures soar and it’s just too dang hot to get outdoors. But, with a few simple strategies, you can still get your workouts done. Use these strategies and workouts to beat the heat when it’s hot outside, but you still need to get it done.

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Why Too Much Heat Is Dangerous

While there are a lot of benefits to doing your workout outdoors, sometimes the temperatures can make things dangerous. What can happen if you get too overheated?

Normally, your body sweats in extreme heat as it’s your body’s way of releasing that extra heat to normalize your temperature. But sweating requires fluids, and if you’re not well-hydrated, your body won’t have the fluid necessary to produce sweat. When this happens, you’ll actually stop sweating, but your core temperature will start to increase. This, in turn, cascades into a number of symptoms signaling you’re overheated: 

  • Cramping
  • Thirst
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Flushing
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Shallow breathing
  • Confusion
  • Nausea

If you feel these symptoms, please get inside and get hydrated immediately.

Strategies to Deal with the Heat


Temps might be soaring, but there are some strategies you can employ that will help you beat the heat. If you have to go outside, or you still need to find a way to get it done, then consider these tips:

  1. Get hydrated and stay hydrated—keeping your fluid levels up is vital, especially when working out outdoors. Remember, you need fluids to be able to sweat.
  2. Get your electrolytes—electrolytes can become unbalanced when you get dehydrated, and that can be a dangerous situation for your body, especially your heart and kidneys. Adding electrolytes to your water or using pre-made electrolyte drinks is a smart move when you’re headed out into the heat. Be sure to drink up before, during, and after your workouts as well, not just during.
  3. Adjust your timing—there’s no better way to beat the heat than to simply adjust your exercise schedule. Get out there in the early mornings before the real heat kicks in. Or, wait until the sun is no longer such a threat in the evening and take it outdoors then.
  4. Cool clothing—not only is it important to wear clothes that will keep you cool, but you also may need to protect your skin from the sun. Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing that allows for plenty of airflow. Avoid wearing hats as they trap the heat your scalp would usually release, so opt for visors or sunglasses instead. If you have long hair, a ponytail can go a long way toward keeping you cooler.
  5. Made in the shade—if you have the option of exercising under the shade of trees or buildings, take it. A little shade can go a tremendously long way toward keeping you cooler than if you’re out in direct sunlight.

Alternative Workouts to Beat the Heat

Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and with a few simple strategies and tactical choices, you can get your outdoor workouts in and still enjoy your summer heat.

Hit the Pool—there’s no better way to work out and simultaneously beat the heat than by enjoying some time in the pool. Swimming burns lots of calories and is gentle on the body; it’s suitable for all fitness levels and, in general, is just a great workout.

If you usually walk or run outside, but it’s gotten too hot to tolerate, it might be time to take the workout indoors. Instead of pounding the hot pavement, turn to the treadmill.

If you love to bike, and maybe you even bike regularly with others, you’ll probably enjoy getting out of the heat and into a spin class. Of course, you won’t stay cool for long because spin classes are no joke when it comes to exertion and calorie burn.

If hiking is your thing but the weather has become untenable, especially for extended hikes, why not do a little cross-training at your fitness facility and get on a stepmill? These tough workouts are sure to boost your hiking abilities and keep you cardiovascularly fit for when the weather cools down.

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Use the indoors to your advantage. Walking the stairs at your office building or a school or apartment complex will have you winded before you know it. Or, walk the stairs in your home. It may be a little repetitive, but it will still get the job done.

Sometimes you just have to get it done, and that kind of dedication is admirable. But, it’s important to be smart about your workouts when the heat gets overwhelming and do what you can to keep cool and beat the heat.

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